1st Days Training

Hello my name is Kyle Delaney. I am 16 and I am currently in the Engagement programme in Swansea ITeC.

Before ITeC I went to NPTC ( Neath Port Talbot College ) and I studied level 2 ICT but sadly I dropped out as I didn’t enjoy the environment around me. For example: I didn’t enjoy being in a small classroom with 30+ people typing away and not talking to each other, even during the breaks! Everyone just kept themselves to themselves and didn’t talk in the class apart from me and 3 others, we used to talk outside of class in Neath town centre.

I hope to learn more about the ICT department of the workplace and I would love to continue my learning and expand my knowledge on graphics.

I am enjoying the course so far, it may be writing but it needs to get done as it is the important paperwork that has to be done before anything else.

My ideal workplace is in a group of people designing logos for big brands like Rockstar , Monster, Adidas, etc.

When the course finishes I wish to be in a job that pays well and isn’t dead end and you can’t get anywhere with it.

About kdelaneyitec

Nazywam się Kyle Delaney jestem 16 lat i mieszkam w Swansea i kocham anime أنا أحب لعب كرة السلة في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع MY NAME IS JEFF!!
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4 Responses to 1st Days Training

  1. Leia says:

    You’re right, the first few days can be paperwork heavy but after that there’s opportunities to try a lot of different things.

  2. rcridlanditec says:

    It’s awesome that you’re into designing logos!

  3. ksimpsonitec says:

    cool if i do gaming videos later can i come to you to do my gaming logo

  4. kdelaneyitec says:

    i’ll give it my best shot 🙂

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